Reco Spinal Centre


Why do I get constant headaches every day?

Why do I have bad headaches every day? this is a very common complaint people come in to consult our team of Bristol chiropractors and spinal therapists here at Reco spinal centre

So let’s take a look at the types of headaches you could be experiencing.

The majority of clients our Bristol chiropractic team and spinal therapist assesses are diagnosed with headaches that stem from the neck, or the cervical spine, they are called cervicogenic headaches.

The presentation of these headaches is normally at the back and sides of the neck and the head. They can last from a few minutes to hours and days. everyone is different in the way they experience them. Some will notice a pounding headache, This headache is steady, and non-throbbing pain, reasons people can experience cervicogenic headaches is from bad posture, for example looking down at your phone, or at a laptop, which over time can change the curve in the spine. This can cause the joints to feel stiffer, and over time the muscles start to feel tense. This is the main type of headache that presents to the Bristol Reco spinal team, of chiropractors and spinal therapists. Our team will work out what the best plan of action is after a thorough assessment, and we get great results.

the key to assessing a cervicogenic headache is that it doesn’t have the same presentation as a Migraine type headache. Migraine headaches are very different, this will normally last a while, and the patient will have to go into a dark room, and sleep it off. The migraine may present with visual symptoms like speckled lights or tunnel vision. Or you may notice changes in sound, and all these symptoms can make you feel nauseous and vomit.

Another type of headache can be a cluster headache, which presents as excruciating pain on one side, and is very common in men btw 30 and 40 years old. These headaches can begin very quickly and without warning. The patient will report the symptoms to be on one side of the face, around the eye, at the side of the head in the temple region and the pain is mostly always experienced in the same areas. These attacks normally occur 1 to 8 times per day and can last anywhere between 15 mins to 3 hours. There is some research suggesting the hypothalamus may have a direct relationship to the cause of cluster headaches.

These headaches can last anywhere between weeks to months and can last between 4 to 12 weeks before they subside, hence the name cluster headaches. Triggers for these headaches should be avoided like certain smells or smoking.

Tension headaches are commonly triggered by stress, and sometimes grinding of the teeth, causing TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint ) pain, that radiates to the side of the head. Through stress, the muscles at the
side of the head can feel very tight, and these clients will normally have already worked this trigger out.

Whatever type of headache you may experience, call our office to book an appointment, let our team assess you and see if we can help you.